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Educational and Awareness Videos

Discover a Hero

Mitchell's Story of a Rare Genetic Disorder and Clinical Trials Participation: Mitchell and his mom share their story from diagnosis with a urea cycle disorder to participation in a clinical trial and the importance of participating in clinical trials to advance treatments.

Zoey's Story - Raising Awareness of Urea Cycle Disorders

"One powerful message is that a simple, inexpensive, and routine blood test could have saved Zoey's life. Teaching the urea cycle pathway isn't enough. Every medical student, Every intern, Every physician, Every physician assistant, Every nurse, Every healthcare provider, Every resident assistant, Every coach -- Everyone should see this video."Lorraine Potocki, M.D., F.A.C.M.G.
Professor, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Baylor College of Medicine

Rare Disease Day 2023

NUCDF Rare Disease Day 2021

NUCDF Rare Disease Day 2019

Meet Kristy - NUCDF Rare Disease Day 2019

Rare Disease Day 2018 - Honoring UCD families, driving research forward

Inspiration Videos

Engage and Make a Difference

Life is short...Engage...Donate...Make a Difference!

For Kids

Susie's Song - Germ takes a Journey

Great cartoon and song about how a germ travels (From Sid the Science Kid, Jim Henson Productions).