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About Us

Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Mission

To save the lives and improve outcomes of individuals with urea cycle disorders.

Our Vision

A world where people with urea cycle disorders are rapidly diagnosed and effectively treated. Our dream is a CURE, and we can’t rest until we find it.

Our Values

Patient & Family Centered

We believe the needs of patients and families should come first.

Innovation & Discovery 

We invest in research to improve the diagnosis, understanding, and treatment of urea cycle disorders and to develop a CURE.


We provide information and education to families and healthcare professionals.


We support partnerships between patients, clinicians, academic researchers, and industry.

Health Equity

We believe all patients should receive the highest standard of care and have equal access to research opportunities.

Compassion & Respect

We recognize that patients and families are equal partners in achieving our mission and vision for a CURE.

Stewardship Integrity

We commit to the highest standard of transparency and accountability to the UCD community.